Larkwire Talk by Phil Mitchell

Tonight at the UP Library meeting Phil Mitchell, founder of Larkwire, an interactive web based learning tool for birders to learn bird songs, presented telling us about the app.  It is a web based app, now also available as an iPhone and iPad app.  The two are separate tools.  The web based program will work from any internet connection, and after purchase of the program for an amazingly inexpensive price (less than purchasing the east or west Stokes or Peterson CDs) you’ll be able to log on from any location, home, laptop at work, iPhone, iPad, etc.  The specific iPhone or iPad app is a stand alone app that works only on the device you purchase it from.  (not sure if you can use on more than one device using iTunes synch if you have both a iPhone and iPad)

I bought the web based app on the drive home from Kay’s iPad.  (they accept credit cards and paypal)  I’m very excited, but using 3G on the iPad it is frustratingly slow, so I can see why the iPad app would be popular if you plan to use it a lot in the field.  For me I think the usual web-based app will be preferable, but I suspect Kay will buy the iPad app.

You should all rush to the Larkwire site now to get this great new tool to make learning birding by ear a less daunting task.  I tried going to the TAS site and couldn’t find an affiliate code there, but entered the TAHAUD code and it seemed to be accepted, so I suspect that is the code for TAS to get an affiliate sales commission.  Also when you buy say you heard about Larkwire at the ABC meeting so Phil will know his talk to use was a good use of his time.

Prior to the program we heard an appeal from TAS for donations to cover an operating shortfall.  Also brief trip reports from the Morse Preserve bird banding field trip.

No meeting in August.  See you all at the Sept meeting or on a field trip sooner.

Good Birding.


Sunday Trip

Kay and I are going birding Sunday, to the coast unless something great pops up on Tweeters to chase.  Anyone want to join us?  Two seats in the car and we could caravan if more want to come.   We can even call it an ABC field trip if desired.  :.)  Will probably leave about 6:30 AM, be back early evening.  We can discuss this at tonight’s meeting.

Morse Banding Event July 14 Numbers are in!

Morse Banding report for July 14 with invited guests from ABC, forwarded by Clarice Clark:

Here’s the recap for today’s 29 birds:


Recaptures: 5 SWTH 3 SOSP 1 ORJU 1 SOSP 1 PSFL 1 BEWR

Unbanded: 3 RUHU

Cindy Easterson Secretary |Volunteer Engagement PUGET SOUND BIRD OBSERVATORY Sound Science – Scientific Information – Informed Public Phone: 425.876.1055

Bird Banding Morse Preserve July 14

Kay and I had lots of fun and enjoyed our first taste of bird banding at the Morse Preserve thanks to the invite from club member Clarice Clark today.  We were told that the mist net yield was low, likely because of overcast weather, but it was fast enough for Kay and me.  We got close up looks at adult and juvenile Swainson’s Thrushes as well as Spotted Towhees,

Dark-eyed Juncos, a Wilson’s warbler,

Bewick’s wren and a first year Rufous Hummingbird.  Charlie Wright was there and was, as usual, a patient and engaging teacher.  Clarice broke away and we joined her for a walk to check and clean her bird houses, and we enjoyed her sharing of nest making and contents for several species.  If you get a chance to join this group some morning don’t pass it up.  Kay and I broke away once the haze lifted and walked to the top of the observation tower to be surprised at the top of the steps by a raccoon.



Morse Banding July 4 Full List – More on July 14!

Morse Banding July 4 – 50 birds!

Final report from Suzanne Tomassi and the rest of the banders at the Morse Preserve on July 4.

– Great day at Morse! Perfect banding weather, lots of cool birds. A little alarmed to see the cat and gargantuan raccoon!

new: 35 total

1 WIFL 1 OCWA 2 CBCH cute little HYs 1 YRWA!!!!!! First at Morse?? Audubon’s 1 BCCH 1 PSFL 1 WIWA 1 GCKI another cute HY 1 SPTO 5 ORJU 1 tricky BEWR (fully pneumaticized skull but little feather wear; photos make the body plumage look juvie (see my Facebook page) 4 PUFI 1 SWTH 2 CEDW 1 SOSP 1 cool DOWO 8 AMRO!! It was definitely AMRO day! 2 RSFL HYs. Boy, it’s hard to see their skulls

recap: 12 total


unbanded: 2 RUHUs 1 ORJU – See you Saturday!! Thanks, Emma, Clarice & Jerry, Dan & Nancy!


Morse Banding Fun! Will repeat July 14

The fourth of July started out as a wonderful holiday banding birds all morning at the Morse Preserve near Graham! Jerry Broadus and Clarice Clark invited ABC members to watch while a team of 6 banders monitoring about 8 nets collected data on a couple dozen interesting birds including a Hutton’s Vireo, a couple of Bewick’s Wrens, a Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, several Swainson’s Thrushes, Cedar Waxwings, and newly fledged Flickers, among others. A number of ABC’ers and their family members watched and were allowed to release some of the birds.

They’ve invited members of our group back on July 14th for another session! You will love it! (Photos by Laurel Parshall and Diane Yorgason-Quinn)