> From: jbroadus@seanet.com > > Subject: (Fwd) more info GH Winter Shorebird Survey INFO > > It is a project to count shorebirds all along the Pac. seaboard over a number of years, beginning this year. Our area is > Grays Harbor. Shep and I have signed up through the refuge. As you can see from the email, they need > more volunteers than we can provide. All need to be at least a little skookum on counting shorebirds. The > ABC club members would be ideal. Have them contact Cyndie directly, CYNDIE SUNDSTRUM (snowplover@comcast.net). > Jerry Broadus > > > > ——- Forwarded message follows ——- > Subject: more info GH Winter Shorebird Survey INFO > From: > Date sent: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:02:32 -0700 > > Y’all, > Attached are a couple of flyers on the upcoming PRBO winter shorebird > survey at GH — training is on the 20th of this month (A COUPLE OF > WEEKENDS AWAY)…. We believe the training will be at GH Comm College > (on the road to Westport [hiway 105] – just past the small Aberdeen > shopping mall). No room or building info yet. Others are working on > that. The training should be between 10 or 11am to ~5:30pm or so. > > Because the need is to (apparently) have as many as 20+ volunteers to > help w/ this project we have decided we need to look beyond you (our > core group of trusty, birdy volunteers). So please read Jean’s email > (below) and see the attachments. Please pass this on to any ‘birdy’ > friends you think would like to help w/ this… It is open to all. > PRBO will sort out who’s doing what after the training session…. > > CYNDIE SUNDSTRUM (snowplover@comcast.net) will be heading up the > coordination / communications / emails/ etc about this whole thing > from now on… She can get your email addresses off this email. She > will most likely send a map to the GHCC, and as before I suggest y’all > car pool in a Refuge Vehicle. > > IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING TO ATTEND THIS UPCOMING TRAINING SESSION ON > OCT 20TH PLEASE LET CYNDIE –not me — KNOW. SHEP, I remember your > email question and am trying to get some clarification. I will get > back to you. > > CYNDIE: Please pick up these individual’s email address’s (rt click > on each of them), to add to your email list for this project. They > will contact you w/ questions if they have them. They have all > expressed interest, I believe they are all planning to attend the > Training and they all REALLY want to know when between NOV 15 and DEC > 15 the survey will take place (as we all do). > > Marian M. Bailey > Refuge Wildlife Biologist > Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Complex > 100 Brown Farm Road > Olympia, WA 98516 > Phone: (360) 753-9467 > Fax: (360) 534-9302 > marian_bailey@fws.gov > > Jean Takekawa/NISQ/R1/FWS/DOI > 10/09/2012 01:48 PM > > > Hi, > > We are working with the Point Reyes Bird Observatory to do a shorebird > survey out in the Grays Harbor Estuary starting this fall. This first > year will focus on developing methods, refining survey locations, and > conducting a survey in Nov/Dec. Surveys and recording will be done > largely by trained volunteers. The training that PRBO will provide is > scheduled for October 20th. I wondered if you might be interested or > know anyone who might like to join this volunteer effort? I know how > busy you all are, so if you’re not available, maybe you know someone > who might have an interest. We are circulating this to Black Hills > Audubon, Grays Harbor Audubon, some Refuge volunteers, and some of the > birders we know in the area, but we wanted to get it more broadly > circulated, so feel free to post or pass this on to others. > > We appreciate your continued support and interest in Grays Harbor and > the Refuge. > > Thanks, Jean >