Upcoming January 2013 meeting

Don’t miss our meeting on January 31, 2013 (a week later than usual) at 6:45 at the University Place library. Thanks to Kay Pullen for arranging this great program:

Clay Sprague and Peter Harrison of the DNR will be on hand to discuss: “The biology of the Marbled Murrelet and conservation on DNR Managed Forest Lands.”

“Our plan is to discuss the overall biology of the marbled murrelet (MM)and how the department of natural resources (DNR) has and is addressing this threatened bird in its management of forest land in Western Washington. I’m seeing three parts to the presentation; 1) Broad overview of the DNR, its mission and responsibilities; 2) the biology of the MM; and 3) DNR’s Habitat Conservation Plan that addresses MM conservation on state trust lands.

December 2012 meeting report

The ABC meeting Dec 27, 2012, featured our own Alex Wang reporting on birds of Hawaii as well as his own research projects on two of the islands. Sobering stories, but lots of hope for the future as problems are being addressed. Alex is continuing this work as his Master’s project, deep in the roadless jungles.

Some of the projects are outlined in the websites below (and more to come). They can use donations of dollars and volunteer time. Alex mentioned specifically that volunteers are being used on research on Wedge-Tailed Shearwaters, among others.


