ANNOUNCING FEB 22, 2018, 6:45 PM, UPlace Library: STUMP THE EXPERTS



Feb 22, 2018, 6:45 PM, UPlace Library: Join Ken Brown as we try to figure out some unusual bird photodocumentation. Some of the slides truly need someone to identify them, some Ken knows but is wondering whether WE know, and some are just tricks from “bad” photos.

Trying to ID birds in the fog

Ken says, “The time has come for the battle of the ages.  We will divide into teams and have some fun putting our bird identification skills to the test.  I will attempt to find some easy-to-hard bird slides in order to stump you. I have not come up with an idea to fuel the competition, so suggestions are welcome.  This should be a hoot.  WOS  calls it ‘Stump the Experts,’, but obviously we won’t go there.”

The real meaning is to try to zero in on field marks you might not ordinarily notice because you use the easier ones, which might be missing in these photos and also in the field.

Ken Brown showing leadership skills

Are there prizes? Ask Ken.

January 17, 2018 – ABC CELEBRATES!


Refreshment table on left with Peter talking on right.

Click photos to enlarge.

ABC held our Big Yearly party on Jan 17th, and we had goodies galore, photos galore, and some very interesting Big Year reports. Those presenting were Blair Bernson, Brian Pendleton, Mike Charest, Heather Voboril, Ken Brown, Will Brooks, Peter Wimberger, Bruce LaBar, Brian Hanson, and Ed Pullen. Will Brooks was touted as the guy to beat in 2018, and it was great to see a young birder step up to the competition.

Some of the crowd

Blair Bernson reports his big year (while Chazz knits!)

Brian Pendleton gives his report while Mike Charest (L) looks on and Ryan Wiese handles the photos

Mike’s fond slide of the Brownsville dump

Many of us submitted our 5 best (or favorite) photos from 2017, including some who were unable to attend. Oohs, aahs, guffahs, and applause accompanied these. We were well entertained! It was noted that at least four people submitted photos of the Gyr at JBLM that was found by our own Donna La Casse!

Heather Voboril with one of her super slides

Reports by Bruce LaBar, Will Brooks, and Ed Pullen

Peter Wimberger gives his Big Year report

Happy birders

Refreshments were catered by Karen Gillis and Vera Cragin, and they were ample and delicious! Thanks! The Pullens are downsizing, and they found good homes for many of their bird books at a great price to us (free!).

ABA Bird of the Year shirts worn by Diane, Faye, Art, Laurel

What a fun way to spend a rainy evening! Let’s do it again next year!