Best Bird of the Last Week: 8-24-2020

Dusky Grouse on Chelan Butte Road

I spent most of the last week at Wapato Point in Manson, near Chelan on the lake. It was really hot, so decent birding was an early morning thing, and a drive up the very steep road to Chelan Butte was a highlight. FOY Dusky Grouse, Gray Flycatcher, and many Lewis’s Woodpeckers were highlights. The really steep road was fun to drive both up and down, and the vistas were stunning. So the grouse makes Best Bird of the Last Week for me. How about you? Tell the club about your best bird of the last week in a comment below. Good birding!

Lake Chelan from Chelan Butte.

Best Bird of the Past Week: 8-17-2020

Sorry about no post last week, it just got by me. So if you want this to be your best bird if the last 2 weeks I’m not going to be the calander police. For me no one bird stood out particularly, but the hike at Sunrise that seemed to have almost all juvenile passerines was most memorable. Bruce LaBar and I went on Tuesday and got an early start, avoiding the crouds of later in the day. We had great, if initially at times confusing looks at several juvenile species.

Hormed Lark
Gray-crowned Rosy Finch
American Pipit
Two young Hoary Marmots playing in the sun.

Leave a comment with your favorite birds of the last week. Good birding. Good Day!

Best Bird of the Past Week: 8-3-2020

It’s tough to say for me. Just yesterday I had three FOY Pierce birds in one day. Starting with Will Brooks texting that he had a pretty-near-in Cassin’s Auklet in the rip just off Dune’s Peninsula. I dashed right over and got nice looks for a bird usually seen only on Pelagic trips. Then the immature Brown Pelican finally showed itself to me at the mouth of the Puyallup River when I looked up from gorging on ripe blackberries. Then after dinner I headed to Puyallup to see the juv. Pectoral Sandpiper seen earlier in the day at Levee Pond. A great three-bird day.

Pectoral Sandpiper

Leave a comment with your best bird of the last week. Good birding.

Brown Pelican in the P.uyallup River mouth