ABC Meeting report, May 20, 2013

We had a great meeting tonight reviewing some of the rare and unusual birds we’ve seen lately. At least one member of our group has seen each of the following lately:

Citrine Wagtail Red-Flanked Bluetail Brambling White-Winged Crossbills Thick-Billed Murre Horned Puffin Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Black-Necked Stilt, out of range (ocean) Hermit Warbler, out of range Slaty-Backed Gull Glaucous Gull White-Breasted Nuthatch (in Pierce County) Semi-Palmated Sandpiper

Eyewitness reports and/or photos were presented by Ed Pullen, Faye McAdams Hands, Ryan Wiese, Brian Pendleton, Rolan Nelson, Carol Smith, and Ken Brown (and photos in absentia from Laurel Parshall, Vicki Biltz, Heather Roskelley, and Wayne Sladek). Difficult bird ID photo on Least Sandpipers was provided by John Riegsecker. Historical background was also provided by Ruth Sullivan on the Gulls.

Thanks to all. It was lively!

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