ABC to welcome noted birder, Andy Stepniewski, April 20th

ABC’s April 2015 meeting will feature a name we all recognize, and we’re anxious to see what he’s been up to lately. Andy Stepniewski of Yakima is the author of Birds of Yakima County, Washington, first published in 1999, recently in its 2nd printing, telling everything about the 300 species which have been found in that county. He is an all-round naturalist, connecting the birds with the plants/vegetation zones, geology, weather, and everything else. Yakima Magazine recently profiled Andy, from his youth in southern California, to his orchards in Yakima. See:

Please join us in inviting our friend, Andy Stepniewski of Yakima, to ABC on April 20, 2015, at the University Place Library at 6:45.

Contributions will be accepted for his travel expenses with any excess going to the Slater Museum of Natural History at the University of Puget Sound.

2 thoughts on “ABC to welcome noted birder, Andy Stepniewski, April 20th

  1. I am really excited about this meeting. Andy has been someone I’ve wanted to meet for years, and having him come to us is a real coup. Many thanks to Kay and Diane for all the arrangements.

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