April 24, 2018, 6:45 PM – University of Puget Sound – Thompson Hall room 175, $10. DAVE SLAGER!

Dave Slager

Dave is working on his PhD at the UW where one of his research projects is using genetics to study hybridization between American and Northwestern Crows in the Pacific Northwest! He works with John Klicka, who visited us in September 2016 (Read about that: (http://abcbirding.com/john-klicka-at-abc-92216/).

You might already know Dave through email exchanges about your unusual bird sightings, because he’s an eBird reviewer for Washington and serves on the Washington Bird Records Committee!

Prior to arriving at UW, Dave co-edited the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio book, served on the Michigan Bird Records Committee, and used radiotransmitters to study the movements of Northern Waterthrush and Yellow-rumped Warblers at migratory stopover sites in Wisconsin. Outside of the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest, Dave has also studied Cerulean Warbler ecology in Colombia and mimicry in the kiskadee-like flycatchers in Panama.


You can read more about his research at https://slager.github.io/ and view some of his older photos on his Flickr site: https://www.flickr.com/photos/daveslager/5527875231/.

It sounds like we NEED to know Dave!!  We’re very happy he’s agreed to come to ABC on April 24th!

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