Best Bird of the Last Week: 6-22-2020

I have really been enjoying reading about our members best bird of the last week. Mid June is here, the songbirds are a bit less vocal, the young are starting to fledge more and more. My best bird of the week was really 3 birds. Marian and I made a quick stop at the Goodell Creek Bridge on Hwy 20 on our way back home from a camping trip near Winthrop. Immediately on stopping and looing upstream over the creek I saw three different sized pointy-winged birds. Tiny twittering Vaux Swifts, much larger languid wingbeat Common Nighthawks, and in between in size, with more soaring and less twittery flight were Black Swifts. Just a really nice trio to watch feeding together. How about you? Leave a comment with your best bird of the last week.


9 thoughts on “Best Bird of the Last Week: 6-22-2020

  1. It is tough to decide between two Eastern Washington specialties: Burrowing Owls in Grant County or Dusky Grouse in Okanogan County. I was fortunate to see 7 of the former at 5 different locations on June 22 and “only” 3 of the latter at Sun Mountain Lodge near Winthrop on June 29. I say only 3, because over the past 9 years I have seen 50 individuals at Sun Mountain (every year except 2018) with as many as 10 individuals on one visit. I will go with the Dusky Grouse as the “last” best bird of the week.

  2. At my home & around my block in Fircrest, over the last week I’ve detected a Merlin multiple times, and at one point saw two. In all cases the detections have included some vocalizing. I suspect they may be breeding, but have not managed to find a nest yet.

  3. This is more of a NOTABLE than a BEST: In my neighborhood for the first time in the 32 years I’ve lived here, I have nesting CROWS! Trying to be happy about it, but it’s hard. Their chicks just fledged, and it’s pretty fun to watch, I guess. The Steller’s Jay fledglings are all over the place now, too. All the cherries on my trees have mysteriously disappeared. Connection?

    • Nesting crows are just obnoxiously loud. I hated it when they invaded my Puyallup place in our last few years there. A sign the end is near? Ed

    • At my home & around my block in Fircrest, over the last week I’ve detected a Merlin multiple times, and at one point saw two. In all cases the detections have included some vocalizing. I suspect they may be breeding, but have not managed to find a nest yet.

  4. This AM on our later than usual walk at Sehmel Homestead Park we heard the begging of a young Barred Owl and then got to see a parent bring him/er a rodent. Then the youngster flew and settled right next to the trail giving us great looks and ops for videos and photos! What a treat! We’ve had a record number of Barred owl sightings this spring in this park and our neighborhood. This AM our terrace/water garden area is dripping bold fledgelings. My favorite time of year. 🤗

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