Best Bird of the Past Week: 8-3-2020

It’s tough to say for me. Just yesterday I had three FOY Pierce birds in one day. Starting with Will Brooks texting that he had a pretty-near-in Cassin’s Auklet in the rip just off Dune’s Peninsula. I dashed right over and got nice looks for a bird usually seen only on Pelagic trips. Then the immature Brown Pelican finally showed itself to me at the mouth of the Puyallup River when I looked up from gorging on ripe blackberries. Then after dinner I headed to Puyallup to see the juv. Pectoral Sandpiper seen earlier in the day at Levee Pond. A great three-bird day.

Pectoral Sandpiper

Leave a comment with your best bird of the last week. Good birding.

Brown Pelican in the P.uyallup River mouth

4 thoughts on “Best Bird of the Past Week: 8-3-2020

  1. This Hooded Oriole was a life bird for me, so definitely my best bird this week!
    This was taken in Sonoma at the edge of a little pond.

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