The response has been overwhelming for this event. We will be getting our difficult questions about Gull ID answered by our own rising bird star, Charlie Wright. He is the regional reviewer for eBird in Washington and a member of the Washington Bird Records Committee. He says, “I have been doing research on bird occurrence and migration on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska for the last 4 fall seasons, and I work out of the University of Washington for the COASST program the rest of the year. COASST is a citizen science project monitoring beached birds from northern CA up to Alaska.”

PART ONE: WORKSHOP: Monday, November 24th, at 6:45 to 8:45 at UPS, Thompson Hall, room to be announced. $15. RSVP to Diane Y-Q at to get on the list. The actual room number will be sent out to those who have registered. This will take the place of our regular ABC meeting.

PART TWO: FIELD TRIP: Two field trip dates have been announced in conjunction with the workshop. You may attend the workshop or a field trip or both. Field trip fee is $15 (or if you do both a field trip and the workshop, $25).

Field trip dates are 11/30 and 12/13. The 11/30 field trip is FULL, though you can be wait-listed for it. There are just 5 spots left on the 12/13 field trip. RSVP immediately to assure a spot. RSVP to Diane at

For those already signed up, a reminder will be sent out soon to you.

2 thoughts on “CHARLIE WRIGHT GULL EVENT UPDATE – Nov 2014

  1. Diane,
    Sign me up, even if the field trips are full. It would be nice to call most of those birds something other than “gull species”.

  2. FIELD TRIPS ARE FULL. E-mail Diane at to get on waiting list for field trips.

    EVENING WORKSHOP: A few spots still available. Sign up with Diane. It will be at UPS Thompson Hall Room 395 at 6:45 on Monday, November 24th, $15.

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