Coast trip Aug 25-26 2012

Report from trip leader Ken Brown:

10 ABCers visited the coast 8/25-26. We visited the game range, jetty, sewer pond, bill’s spit and behind the casino at ocean shores, finishing at the hoquiam sewer pond. We found 18 shorebirds at the game range including, P.G. Plover, Buff br sand, 3 stilt sand, 1 Baird’s, 1 S-P sand. We picked up 2 Ruddy t., 6 Surfbirds, 1 Tattler at the jetty and osstp. We left for hstp with 21 shorebirds. At Hstp we picked up the code 5 Avocet and ran into Bruce LaBar.

Sunday, we visited Bottle b. Thanks to Wayne Sladek who was with us 1/2 day we easily picked up he HDGT, studying it off and on for 2 hrs. We visited Westport, Tokeland, Midway Bh, Washaway Bh., and Cranberry Bh. rd. We added four more pipers: Willet, Snowy pl., BB pl. at BB, with over 2,000 Marbled god. at BB 1200, Westport 800, Tokeland 150.

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