CUBA! The April 2013 ABC meeting attendees enjoyed a fine Italian meal at Bella Nina’s Ristorante (thanks for setting that up, Rolan!) while being transported in word and picture to the tropical isle of Cuba. Thanks to Bill Hagens who reported on his cultural trip including an idiosyncratic view of the history of modern Cuba to explain the situation we are in today when we try to visit. We really enjoyed seeing his rental car, too! Then Carole Breedlove reported on her birding trip there with an Illinois birding group. Both of them had stories about transportation and other hassles, but both seemed to be very happy with their trips overall. Carole got to see all but 2 of the endemic birds and smoked a cigar! Her favorites were the tiny Tody and the world’s smallest bird, the Bee Hummingbird. Tourists do seem to pay high prices, it seems, but see more of the country than its denizens who are stuck due to fuel being hard to get. A birder’s paradise outside of the urban areas for sure!

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