Field Trip Report E WA Sept 7-10

Ken Brown took our group to Eastern Washington for a check on migration for 4 days from Sept 7 to 10, 2018.  Some really great sightings as well as the inevitable disappointments.

Looks like a pothole!
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Forster’s Tern with fish
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

I missed the trip, but lucky participants were Ken, Ed Pullen, Laurel Parshall, Kay Schimke, Mary Pearse, Richard Smethurst, Carole Breedlove, Kathryn Cooper, Eric Dudley, Fred Matthaei, Jody Hess, and Petrea Stoddard.

The rest of the group makes it through the critter tunnel, leader Ken in back on right
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Critter tunnel works for Kay and Richard
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Some of their eBird reports are here, including the remarkable report from Lyons Ferry where they had EIGHT warblers, including Chestnut-sided!

Lyons Ferry:

Columbia NWR:

Potholes State Park:

Chestnut-sided Warbler!
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Cassin’s Vireo
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Roadside specialties included Kestrels and Wild Turkey!

(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Kestrels galore
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

The scenic highlight was Palouse Falls.

Palouse Falls
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

Lesser Chipmunk at Ryegrass Rest Area
(Photo/Laurel Parshall)

More of Laurel Parshall’s photos can be found on her FLICKR site, and she’d appreciate seeing others’ photos.


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