Field Trip to the Coast: Oct 8-9 (possibly Oct 10) NOTE DATE CHANGE!!!

Ken Brown and Ed Pullen are leading an ABC Birding field trip to the coast on the weekend of Oct 8-9. Maximum of 16 people in 4 cars, but if enough demand we could make a hybrid trip, with 12 people on Saturday Oct 8, joined by another 12 in 3 cars on Sunday Oct 9, with the Saturday participants leaving after birding on Sunday and the Saturday arrivals staying overnight on Oct 9 to bird the areas covered on Saturday on Monday Oct 10. Let’s see how many people want to come. RSVP to Ken by e-mail kennethwbrown-at-hotmail- dot-com and include your cell phone number as it’s been awhile. Please let us know if you could go on the Sunday-Monday version if demand is high.

We plan to bird at the Ocean Shores side one day, and the Westport/Tokeland side another day, with an overnight stay between. Focus on shorebirds, but some seawatch too. In years past this has been a popular and productive trip as a part of Ken’s classes, so lots of possibilities exist for vagrants plus the usual species. Details on where to meet, times, hotel etc. to follow.

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