Hawk Class registration now open!

Bud Anderson’s Hawk Class / Western WA Hawk Watching Class / Tacoma 8 Jan. – 5 Feb 2014 Wednesdays, 7-9pm University of Puget Sound / Class meets for 2 hours, one night per week for five weeks. 2014 cost is $175 per person. Includes a full day field trip. Minimum registration is 20, but hoping for lots more. He will add extra field trip dates if the class is large enough. Exact dates are Jan.8, 15, 22, 29 and Feb.5. / TO REGISTER: Call (253) 591-6439 OR register online using Bar code 69459 at: https://www.metroparkstacoma.net/onlineregistration/Activities/ActivitiesAdvSearch.asp

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