Welcome Birders

In case you couldn’t guess ABC stands for Advanced Birding Class, the Tahoma Audubon Society birding class taught by Ken Brown for many years. In order to free up spaces in the class for new students, and to provide a forum for the rest of us to continue to meet regularly and organize field trips together we’re planning to meet monthly.  The first meeting will be Thursday Jan 26, 2012 at Bella Nina restaurant in Tacoma at 7 PM.  We’ll start to decide on a format for the meetings, formalize a meeting time and place, and will have a brief presentation on Sparrow ID by Ed Pullen.  Looking forward to seeing you all there.

One thought on “Welcome Birders

  1. What a great first meeting we had tonight with at least 35 people in attendance! The food was good, too (Thanks, Rolan!). Ed’s presentation on sparrow ID was helpful, especially about the flocking and looking up videos to help with behavior. Next meeting Feb 23 (stay tuned for venue and program). A lot of field trips are about to be scheduled, with soonest possibly a local sparrow trip in February and a jaunt to Reifel in BC. Subscribe to this blog (see bottom) to be notified when news is posted.

    Diane Y-Q

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