June 28, 2018 – REPORT: Vaux’s Swifts at JBLM

6-28-18 – ABC joined forces with Tahoma Audubon for a report on the Vaux’s Swifts at JBLM.  Diane Yorgason-Quinn, coordinator for volunteer swift counters, presented, along with help from Burney Huff, who started the count; Heather Voboril, who has liaised with JBLM brass to do chimney fixes, etc.; and Faye McAdams Hands, who accompanied Diane to Israel to present Larry Schwitter’s paper on Vaux Swifts to the 5th World Swift Conference in March.

Vaux’s Happening logo and World Swift Conference logo, showing Vaux vs Common Swift

The importance of these chimneys at JBLM was stressed, in a world where chimneys are being torn down or capped at a rapid rate.  Larry Schwitters was able to gain IBA (International Important Bird Area) status for 4 chimneys in Washington including stack 2068 at JBLM.  Since then the base has put signs up on known chimney buildings to not tear them down.  Heather gave some history of that chimney.  The other 3 chimneys we watch were shown, as well.

Diane Y-Q shows the big swift stack at JBLM against a backdrop of Mt. Rainier (Photo/Lalenia Maria)

Special thanks was extended to Chuck Bergman, longtime member of Tahoma Audubon and former Towhee editor, who wrote a major article on JBLM Swifts and Vaux’s Swifts in the October issue of the national magazine, BirdWatching, which was available to browse through.  And of course thanks to Larry Schwitters, a hero for swifts, who has now been coordinating counts and other data at all known Vaux’s Swift chimneys, amassing data that no one could even guess at in the past, which should help save the diminishing population.

All Swift counters in attendance were asked to stand, and since so many of you are counters, it was half the people there!  Hurray!  Several had comments about it.  And we’re still recruiting!  There are a lot of chimneys out there to count, not to mention the ones we haven’t found yet.

Vaux’s Swifts enter JBLM chimney 2068 at dusk

The evening ended with a short recap of the trip to Israel, how our swifts are so different than old-world swifts, and going birding in Israel as told by Faye.

6-28-18 – The map of major stacks clearly outlines swift migration routes (Photo/Lalenia Maria)


MORE INFO:      VauxHappening.org

Diane Yorgason-Quinn at Avosetta@hotmail.com

AUG 25, 2018 — SELLECK SWIFT FIELD TRIP 5:45 PM to 9:30 PM

Watch these crazy little birds go to bed around sunset inside the chimney at the old schoolhouse in Selleck (now a private home where we have permission). Meet at 5:45 PM at the Auburn Supermall (AKA The Outlet Collection) theater parking lot, south side near Panda Express. We’ll carpool from there. Please RSVP here AND sign up with Diane Yorgason-Quinn, Avosetta@hotmail.com. No children. No limit. No exertion, good for people with can’t walk far. No bathrooms (go to the supermall early to find one). Bring lawn chair or blanket.


SEPT 8, 2018 — SWIFT NIGHT OUT at Monroe, Wagner School on Main Street.  A true festival with food, vendors, fun stuff, docents, AND SWIFTS!  Just show up anytime after 4 PM.  No need to sign up.


SEPT 16, 2018 — JBLM SWIFT NIGHT.  Find a friend with base privileges to bring you.  6 PM until the swifts are all in.  Meet at Building 2068.  Contact Diane for directions at Avosetta@hotmail.com.


SWIFT COUNTER TRAINING:  Any Sunday night at JBLM starting Aug 26.  Contact Diane Y-Q at Avosetta@hotmail.com.

Faye McAdams Hands and Diane Y-Q in the swift finery they wore to the International Swift Conference in Israel (Photo/Adam Trent)

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