March 28, 2015 – Mountain Quail field trip report


On March 28, 2015, a small group met at 6 AM (pre-dawn) at the Theler Wetlands parking lot in Belfair to motor over to Mountain Quail sites on the Tahuya peninsula. By invitation, we started at the home of Mary Hrudkaj, going up the switchbacks of Canyon Drive to gain altitude to the heights of the Tahuya peninsula. Mary had her living room set up like a theater for the 9 of us, and we were given strict instructions that when the Mountain Quail were sited (IF they were) to hold perfectly still, as any little perceived movement would send them off rapidly. As dawn started to show itself, we were treated to views of the Olympic Mountains and Tubby and Stubby the raccoons.

Mourning Doves showed up and copulated in front of us, and then the Bandtails showed up, looking like Mourning Doves on steroids. The background of the yard was soon stuffed with Steller’s Jays, Juncos, Robins, and other expected species, and then the two regular Mountain Quail (a pair) ran in. Yes, they ran. No sense walking if you can run!

These rotund birds kept us frozen as we gawked at them, noticing the subtle differences between the genders and the fact that there were TWO feathers making that crest, not just one. Every so often, one would run off, then run back, like wind-up toys. The sun then poked above the trees enough to light them up for great photographs! Thanks for keeping your window glass so clean, Mary!

Finally the Quail finished their breakfast and ran out to the road, and we were released from our frozen stances. We then piled into the cars, and Mary took us to a couple of other spots to highlight the glories of the Tahuya peninsula including the wonderful Dewatto Bay with its soon-to-be-busy Pigeon Guillemot holes right on the road, then to the very reliable Dipper bridge just northeast of there, where Donna LaCasse ducked under the bridge and saw an unoccupied-as-yet nest. Both Dippers dipped for us! Every target bird was seen and in good light!

Many photographs were taken by the group, some of which can be seen here: 76552838@N03/sets/72157651161797007/” >

Photos below by Diane Y-Q and Heather Roskelley. Click to enlarge.

2 thoughts on “March 28, 2015 – Mountain Quail field trip report

  1. Speaking of field trips, well ‘chasing’ actually, … If anyone is planning on going to see the Black-throated Blue Warbler in Bothell Friday Saturday or Sunday, I’d like to hitch a ride! I am at a convention at the SeaTac Doubletree on Hwy 99. Email, text or call me on my cell phone. I really would pitch in for the gas. I would love to have this lifer here in Washington state!!!

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