Report on ABC meeting, July 25, 2013

The ABC meeting on July 25, 2013, was fascinating, presented by our own members!

First David Marshall, who winters in Jamaica and has recently been made co-editor of the birding publication there, the Broadsheet, gave us a rundown on Jamaican endemics, Jamaican endemic subspecies, as well as some of his favorite Jamaican birds, and familiarized us with the layout of this beautiful island. For copies of the Broadsheet as well as David’s summary of these birds, ask him or ask me ( to e-mail them to you.

Then the large group who went to Malheur in May gave their report of many amorous Avocets, Willets, and a bunch of other birds, seen against beautiful blue skies. Leaders Shelly Parker and Carolyn Berry reported, along with help from Malheur volunteer Jerry Broadus and photographs from Pat Damron and Laurel Parshall. Pat’s and Laurel’s photographs can be seen online at: Laurel: Pat:

Pictured below are the evening’s talent, including a group photo of half the Malheur participants were attended the meeting, since they didn’t get a group photo during the trip! Click to enlarge.

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