Upcoming Field Trips

Feb 16, 17, 18: Eastern Washington with Ken Brown. Sign up with Ken at kennethwbrown@hotmail.com to get details and find others to carpool with. Carpools will meet at Traveler’s Rest at Snoqualmie Summit Saturday morning at 7:15 to 7:30. Will be wanting all cars to have AWD or 4WD. Bring FRS radios if you have them. Dress warmly. Bring lunches for all 3 days.

Feb 16: Tour of the Hundred Acre Woods (Lakewood) with Rolan Nelson. We will meet at the Seeley Lake parking lot on Lakewood Ave, across from the Lakewood Police Department at 0730 on Saturday, February 16th. Hiking boots are recommended and rain gear as needed. This is a half day trip which may spill over into the early afternoon, so bring something to snack on. Lets see what’s hiding in the Woods in February! Sign up with Rolan (rnbuffle@yahoo.com).

Feb 25: Tahoma Audubon field trip with Marcus Roening. See upcoming Towhee for details on signing up.

March 9: Sequim, Port Angeles, Elwha – Gulls and other late winter specialties. Details and sign-up with leader, Ryan Wiese (rwiese@wamail.net).

April 27: Pelagic trip with Westport Seabirds. This trip follows the March ABC meeting on March 26 where we will be oriented by spotters Bruce LaBar and Ryan Shaw, so it will be fun to get a group of us on this boat to put it all into action. Sign up with Westport Seabirds: http://www.westportseabirds.com.

May 18-22 – Malheur NWR, Eastern Oregon. Some accommodations available. Overflow to arrange own hotel in Burns, etc. Leaders Carolyn Barry (carolynbbarry@hotmail.com) and Shelley Parker (dstparker@comcast.net). Be sure to sign up as early as possible.

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