Ocean Shores Trip 7-29-12

Our short notice trip to Ocean Shores went very well, with 7 ABC members attending, including David Marshall, new to the group, Ken, Carol, Roger, and Laurel joining Kay and me on a warm and mostly sunny nearly windless day.  Highlights were many tens of thousands of Sooty Shearwaters off the Jetty and the coast near Oyhut and great looks at the usual variety of shorebirds at the game range behind the Tonquin Ave stop.  Maybe the other most remarkable thing was zero rock birds at the jetty. We had fun with gulls as with any trip Ken joins, and of course a discussion of molt was mixed in here and there.

At least two Lesser Yellowlegs and one Semi-palmated Sandpiper joined the more usual shorebirds at the game range, and although we were unable to find any odd shearwaters mixed in the steady streams of Sooty’s it was lots of fun to see the “sheer” numbers.  Just getting out with friends and enjoying both the birds and the weather was great.

Challenge to all ABC’ers.  If you are going out and have a spare seat in your vehicle, or are willing to have another car or two tag along post on this site and find fellow members to go along.  All field trips don’t have to be thoroughly planned and executed.  Just a day of birding with fellow members is great.  You can find more trip list details on e-bird,my user name is epullen.

Good birding.

Ed Pullen