Fall 2014 ABC Meeting Announcements

Some great meetings coming up at ABC! We are fortunate to have some of the best researchers in the country close at hand, as well as the contacts to bring them to us (thanks, Kay!): ———————————————————————- September 29, 2014 (a Monday), UPlace library, 6:45 PM: Julie Smith of PLU will speak on the Red Crossbill subspecies (possible future full species), a topic that intrigues and frustrates northwest birders. Learn the thinking behind the separations, what will happen next, and how to tell one from another! ——————————————————————— Tentatively October 23, 2014 (fourth Thursday), UPlace library, 6:45 PM (Check back for reconfirmation of date after July 1): Peter Hodum of UPS will speak on his research on Puffins and Rhinos in our water plus his more exotic research in Chile.

ABC Birding Club crosses the Pacific

GREETINGS FROM HAWAII: *************** The ABC Club had the good fortune to be addressed by Alex Wang a year ago last December when he was home on break from college in Hawaii. He’s now almost through with his Master’s and looking for where he wants to take his Doctorate. His subject: BIRDS! At the time he addressed us, he mentioned he’d be happy to show any of us around if we came over there, but little did he imagine he was going to get The Willettes!! On June 1, 2014, he took 6 of us into the closed Waikamoi Preserve (Nature Conservancy) on the eastern slope of the volcano to study the very hard-to-get Akohekohe (his study bird) and Maui Parrotbill (his hobby study bird) and lots of other endemics there. The next day he spared his morning for more local birding and shave ice! As we went by his lodgings just downslope from the preserve, we found Nene just lying around waiting for someone to ooh and aah over them! ****************************************** Photo below at Hosmer Grove before setting off down the Waikamoi trail. Click picture to enlarge. Showing Melissa Sherwood, Dorothy Husband, Faye McAdams Hands, Alex Wang, Diane Kerlin, Carol Smith, and Diane Yorgason-Quinn