I just got back last night from a 3-day camping trip at Field’s Spring State Park near Anatone, Asotin County. A really cool place. I had spent little time in the Blue Mountains, and wanted to explore, and work on my Asotin County list. A great trip. That said my favorite bird of the week was yesterday on the trip home when Marian wanted me to show her a Yellow-headed Blackbird. We pulled into Othello for a porclein stop, and checked out the Para Ponds. The Yellow-headed Blackbird males were in molt, and quite unimpressive, but several Tricolored Blackbirds shared the lone remaining roadside pond with any water with 8 Lesser Yellowlegs, 8 Greater Yellowlegs, a Pectoral Sandpiper and loads of Killdeer, giving me 3 FOY birds almost by accident.
My real treat this week though was the chance to talk with Dennis Paulson on the Bird Banter Podcast Episode #68. I had put off asking Dennis until I felt confident enough to be comfortable. We all have people we hold in such esteem that it is a bit intimidating, and Dennis was that person for me. Completely self-imposed pressue, as you all know Dennis is very humble and kind. Still it was a thrill for me to get the chance to talk with him. Check out the episode and the associated blog post on my blog post about the episode.

I am also asking any of you who are able and who listen on iTunes to leave a rating and review on the episode. It is not as easy as you’d like. If you listen on your phone you can’t leave it directly on the podcast feed. Please just use the search bar, enter Bird Banter, select the Bird Banter Podcast, scroll down to where you see the little pencil and “Write a review” Click there and rate the podcast with stars ***** and then write a review. This will be a big favor to me.
Now leave your comment with your favorite bird of the past week. Thanks and good birding.