WHEN: Saturday March 3 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Field Trip: Hood Canal aboard the Lady Alderbrook
Leaders: Tahoma Audubon’s Bruce LaBar and Cara Borre, both accomplished spotters for Westport Pelagics
The success of Black Hills Audubon’s Lady Alderbrook birding cruises spread, and this time ABC Club and Tahoma Audubon will partner with them to offer a birding cruise aboard the Lady Alderbrook. We will board the Lady Alderbrook at the Alderbrook Resort at noon and seek birds upon and above the waters of Hood Canal. The Lady Alderbrook has two decks, and if the weather happens to be rainy and cold, one can go inside and look out through picture windows. For a fuller sense of the Lady Alderbrook herself, see www.alderbrookresort.com; go to “Area&Activities”; select “Lady Alderbrook” on the left-hand side of the page.
Please dress for the weather and, then, extra warmly, to counter breeze on the water. Bring food and water as needed. Bring binoculars, of course. The trip will cost $25 per person, payable at the dock. Please contact Faye McAdams Hands to sign up for the trip at zest4parus@hotmail.com or 360-275-0553. Limit: 50 people. Since we are partnering, register as quickly as you can; spaces will go fast.
DIRECTIONS: The Alderbrook Resort and Spa is in Union, WA, and is about an hour’s drive from the Tahoma Audubon office at Adriana Hess Wetlands Park in University Place. There are directions on their website (above), or use any app. CARPOOLING is encouraged. COME EARLY!