ABC Meeting, January 23, 2014 – BIG YEAR!

ABC Meeting – January 23, 2014 – BIG YEAR! ************************************ Ryan Wiese was fresh off the plane from Arizona where he did nothing but twitch, but with great success (all of the Thrashers!). ********************************* Mike Charest managed to find just about every bird that landed in Pierce County in 2013 plus more! It all started at a prepossessing industrial site called Gog-Le-Hi-Te… His Flickr site is: ******************************** Laurel Parshall didn’t know she was doing a big Washington year until suddenly she realized how close she was to 300 and set her sights on that number! Swamp Sparrow caught her eye just as time was running out! Her Flickr site is: **************************** Brian Pendleton really twitched towards the end of the year and hit the big time, reaching 350. It takes someone who knows their Gulls! His Flickr site is: **************************** These birders are all accomplished photographers as well. What a combination! A great program! Click on photos to enlarge:

One thought on “ABC Meeting, January 23, 2014 – BIG YEAR!

  1. Greetings ABC Washington Birders!

    I’m a Massachusetts friend of Boston-based Dorian Anderson and his Biking for Birds Zero Emissions Big Year quest. Sincere thanks for kindly posting about Dorian’s ride back in January!

    Don’t know if any of you out west heard — but Dorian went flying head-over-heels over his handlebars back here in New Jersey January 20. I almost had a heart attack but Dorian escaped with mildly bruised ribs.

    Website posts like yours are one of the best ways “to spread the Word about Birds.”

    But hoping to share Dorian’s daily adventures “in a more personal way” I recently had some “Biking for Birds” cards printed at Staples (since the company’s working with solar energy and has some decent Green & Recycling programs).

    So I’d welcome the chance to send you 250 “Free” cards if any of you out West think you’d like to share Dorian’s biking-birding odyssey with other people.

    Although our card’s a bit smaller at 3.5 x 2 inches, if interested you can take a peek at it here:

    Any thoughts?

    For now, Thanks Again ABC Washington Birders!

    John Everton
    Swansea, MA
    Volunteer Media Contact
    Biking for Birds

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