ABC Meeting Report April 24, 2014

ABC MEETING – April 24, 2014: We had trip reports on Shep’s walk at Swan Creek from Laurel Parshall and Ken Brown’s trip to Colorado and surrounding states with Ed & Kay Pullen where he actually got life birds (Prairie Chickens!) and ran into birders from home! Then a short side show of the recent lunar eclipse as seen by Diane Y-Q from Utah (clouded out in this neighborhood). Ryan Wiese then presented the film, “My Life as a Turkey,” a beautifully photographed saga of naturalist Joe Hutto’s experiment with having himself imprinted as the “mother” of an incubator full of turkey chicks. You’ll never think of Turkeys as dumb birds again or as Joe Hutto as a normal human being again. He’s apparently just finished living for several years with Mule Deer as one of them. **************** Next ABC meetings: May 19 July 24 **************************

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