ABC Vashon Field Trip April 29, 2014

ABC Vashon Field Trip: Ed Swan, author of “The Birds of Vashon Island,” led a full field trip to Vashon Island on April 29, 2014. He reported on the field trip to Tweeters thusly: Had beautiful weather for the Tahoma Audubon ABC group on Vashon yesterday. Numbers of individual species, especially the new incoming warblers, seemed really low and slow, but adding up the species seen I was surprised to find the species list reach 70. A few of many of the saltwater birds were still present as well as the incoming migrants. We had a few good highlights. At Pt. Robinson, we saw a first of season Western Tanager in the trees at the base of the bluff. On the radar towers, Steller’s Jays bunched up to attempt migrating across the channel to the mainland but gave up part way out each time. Yesterday there were only 10-12, but in some years I’ve seen as many as 30-40 trying it. At this time of year, migration means Pt. Robinson can have just about anything might show up, especially if the weather has birds on the move. Yesterday was beautiful but so calm it kept the birds pretty quiet. At Tramp Harbor, a female Black Scoter was still present and a leucistic crow that was a very pale light brown latte color. I’ve been getting lots of calls about this bird over the last couple of months but saw it myself for the first time yesterday. At Fisher Pond, one of the Pied-billed Grebes sat on a reed nest, a first time view for many on the field trip. ***************************** Click on Photos to enlarge. Leucistic Crow by Richard Smethurst, the remainder by Diane Yorgason-Quinn. That warbler is an Orange-Crowned, and the butterfly is a Pine Elfin:

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