ABC Woodpecker field trip report June 29, 2013

Woodpecker Trip Report, June 29, 2013:

Leader Rolan Nelson says, “The whole idea of leading a trip was a ploy to make sure that I actually got to go on one! There were nine of us, and we were amazed at the number of vocalizing songbirds there were at our stops along Camas Meadows. Almost too many to sort out, but excellent looks at MacGillivray’s Warblers and Lazuli Buntings. Many of our birds were heard but not seen, which was a disappointment. Too many leaves! Five woodpeckers presented themselves; Acorn, Hairy, Pileated, Flicker, and a very cooperative Red-naped Sapsucker. Just about every passerine family had a least one representative. By the end of the day we had tallied 43 species; not many, but a good mix and beautiful weather.

Click below to enlarge photos taken by participants:

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