any serious photographers/digiscopers out there?

I am wondering if on occasion, there might be some photographers in our group, who would like to get together once in a while, and share ideas While going on short trips, we could work on bird photography, sharing what we know, and helping to develop ethical, and non-invasive ways to photograph. I only have the 300mm, but have some digiscoping gear. I am hoping to upgrade the digiscoping to better equipment. You can contact me via email,, or call at 253- 241-6010. I am hoping for some Friday events, as well as Sunday’s. I think about 4-8 photographers would be a good number,to start. Then we can expand, split up and add more, so everyone can have a chance to learn from each other.

I also hope to be able to do some short trips (Nisqually, etc) where we can work on bird calls; but I am a bit rusty, so hopefully I can be ready by spring for that. Any ideas of places to go for either activity, would be welcome. I have not had a chance to get out in the field much over the past few years, so I am a Rusty Birder!

Thanks, Vicki Biltz Bonney Lake WA 98391

2 thoughts on “any serious photographers/digiscopers out there?

  1. Vicki: I’m not really a serious photographer, but have an Canon SLR with a fixed 400mm lens and am interested in learning a bit about video too. I’d be up for a trip now and then. Ed

    • that would be great Ed…That is what I think we need, we can all work together and see what comes of it. The more we learn, the more we enjoy our birding time, and the more exact records we can make, if something is rare…

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