Boreal Owl Search: Sunrise Mt. Rainer 9-26-13

On Thursday Sept 26 Ryan Weise, Ken Brown, Brian Pendleton and I went to Sunrise  Mt. Rainier in search of a Boreal Owl.  We arrived at the Sunrise parking lot at about 7 PM.  It was a perfectly clear night. Stars everywhere were so bright we could see to walk.  We met Jamie Acker and George Gerdts, long-time owl pros in the parking lot and they graciously suggested we join forces. We found nothing in the picnic area. We walked the loop around the campground that leaves and returns to the back side of the parking lot.  We walked counter-clockwise. We chose last night because it ws the only dry day projected this week, and we thought this might be the last week with access.  It snowed 9″ there 2 nights prior, but had mostly melted.   Jamie is the guy who does the weekly owl prowl and banding on Bainbridge island all winter every year and leads periodic SAS field trips. Ken and Ryan went on one of his owling trips a year or two ago.
We walked out the road toward the trail to the campground, and about half way out heard a loud skew call, and I saw an owl fly over the road 3x, but we never decided for sure if it was Boreal or Saw Whet.  Acker thpught it sounded like Saw Whet, but the rest of us felt it sounded just like the owl we later saw and IDed as Boreal. Jamie was probably right, he certainly has superior experience, but we remained uncertain. A bit farther several of the group, not including me, saw a large owl fly overhead and call one hollow note ID’ed as LEOW.  I later heard one more hoot.  About 200 yards from the turn off the road to the left to the campground we all heard a loud skew note.  Acker again felt it was a N.Saw Whet, and I saw it fly into a tree maybe 30 yards off the road in front of us. It apparently slipped in very close, and Acker found it in his night-vision monocular.  He then whispered to those within a yard or two of him that he was going to spotlight it. I was lucky enough to be very close to him so was ready, binos focused etc. He shined the very bright light right on the bird, giving a great look at a Boreal Owl, and for about 2-3 sec. I got a very good look. The view was front on, nothing in the way, then it fluffed its wings and flew off. It was far too big and bulky for a Saw Whet, and I saw the spotted forehead, white facial discs with dark borders.  Later I heard one more owl, or maybe the same one.
The rest of the night nothing at all.
If you see the checklist on e-bird you will note that it has the owls and not much more. Still the Boreal owl was a lifer for me. Ken got a good naked eye look.  Brian and Ryan didn’t see it in the light, but did hear it.
A great trip enjoyed by all and one that is worth taking even if you find nothing.  A after-dark walk in the mountains is enchanting and memorable.
Ed Pullen


One thought on “Boreal Owl Search: Sunrise Mt. Rainer 9-26-13

  1. Ed, what a great share! Will continue to look forward to my first encounter with one, whenever that might be, but really enjoyed your report.

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