Capitol Lake FT Report 1/23/16

On January 23, 2016, Dave Grenier led ABCers and other birders around Capitol Lake on a dark and stormy morning!  The weather report was wrong, and in the wrong direction!  It never stopped, but we took on the roles of storm watchers as we experienced the glory and the wetness of the Deschutes River in full roil!

At Tumwater Falls

At Tumwater Falls

From Tumwater Falls to the state capitol, we stopped at every stop and saw every bird that was crazy enough to be out!  However, that netted us HUGE numbers of Canvasbacks, not to mention an argument among some of us about whether a particular goose was a Lesser Canada or a Cackler.

A truly memorable morning testing our rain gear and experiencing scenes of watery madness we may never see again.  Thanks, Dave!

The quiet end of Capitol Lake on Jan 23, 2016.

The quiet end of Capitol Lake on Jan 23, 2016.

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