Cle Elum on a Hot Summer Day

It was a trip down memory lane on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, for Shelley Parker, who was anxious to show Pat Damron and Vera Cragin some of her favorite places where she camped with her Dad as a child.

Salmon la Sac was our first stop. At Bullfrog Pond: Catbird, Evening Grosbeak, Cedar Waxwings, Goldfinch, an unseen Sora calling, and many singing Red-winged Blackbirds. It was a perfect morning, and there was lots of activity at this beautiful spot.

Railroad Ponds close to Cle Elum were quiet, but there were a few of the resident birds showing their colors. This is a busy road on weekdays with many very large trucks making their way to load and deliver gravel, etc. Try this on weekends and especially in winter when the waterfowl are abundant and the road is easier to travel.

The Teanaway River Valley was a pleasant drive with lots of surprises along the way. Fourteen young Turkeys were being herded along the edge of the road by two adults. A Dusky Grouse was standing proudly on a steep bank while a Ruffed Grouse took up residence in the middle of the road looking like he was never going to move.

Birds were plentiful and the area very peaceful. Try it when you are not rushing to other good spots.

— V. Cragin

Click on photos to enlarge. All photos by Pat Damron: Harlequin chicks with mom; Dusky Grouse; male Kestrel; Turkey family; Western Tanager; and Ruffed Grouse.

One thought on “Cle Elum on a Hot Summer Day

  1. Shelley Parker adds her comments as the instigator of this field trip:
    “I’ll add a few comments about the mother Harley. We saw them in Teanaway at a Place called Stafford Creek, a mother w/3 babies. Just Pat and I saw them. I’ve seen these duck families 3 different times in this area, always very secrative and exciting to see. Vera took a snooze and missed them! They were very busy diving in the rocks for food. Also saw 2 grouse, Ruff and Dusky, crossing the road right in front of us.

    First stop of trip was Bullfrog At Salmon La Sac. It was very good. Evening grosbeaks, Willow and PAC slope flycatchers, West Tanagers, Catbird, Waxwing. Then headed up the Teanaway River road, and at crossing of north and west forks of Teanaway river saw turkey family w/14 chicks, E Kingbird, Lazuli Bunting, and Western Bluebirds. Fun day and good birding. –Shelley

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