Coast birding Report Sept 22, 2014

COAST BIRDING REPORT – Sept 22, 2014 From Wayne & Margie Sladek


Jetty at ocean shores

A large number Brown pelicans along the beach in both juvenile and adult plumage.

4 Wandering Tattlers

6 Black turnstone

Sewage ponds-sewage

Game Range

4 American Golden Plover

2 Pacific Golden Plover

Black-bellied Plover

Western Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper


Marbled Godwit

2 peregrine falcons trying to get shore-bird lunch doing phenomenal, overhead, arial acrobatics. They were foiled so they took out their frustration by tag teaming a harrier until it retreated.

Gray’s Harbor airport pond

Stilt Sandpiper

LB Dowitchers

Greater Yellow legs

Midway Beach

12 Pectoral Sandpipers

2 virginia rails

1 Sora rail

Greater Yellow legs

2 American Bitterns

Hosts of savannah sparrows and American Pipits

Unfortunately no Baird’s, sharp tail, or buff-breasted sandpipers

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