March 23, 2015 – Paul Bannick visits ABC

March 23, Monday – 6:45 PM – University Place Library. Paul Bannick, co-author and photographer for the new book, Woodpeckers of North America, A Naturalist’s Guide, will examine each of the North American woodpecker species through award winning images, intimate sounds and stories and observations from the field. Paul’s presentation will help you distinguish between species by behavior, habitat and field markings. He will also touch upon races of woodpeckers, adaptations to specific habitats, morphology and cultural ties.

Check out Paul’s website! It has lots of video interviews and looks at his owl photos as well.

We were fortunate to get Paul to speak to our club and are suggesting an honorarium of around $10 each to offset his usual speaking fee.

Paul is a celebrity to non-birders as well, having chosen two “iconic” families of birds, woodpeckers and owls, as his targets, so be sure to invite your friends and family to this presentation.

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