Movie night review -July 2015 – Emptying the Skies

On July 21, 2015, ABC and TAS members were invited to a special showing at the Grand Cinema of EMPTYING THE SKIES, a film spearheaded by award-winning author Jonathan Franzen and based on his essay. This documentary gave us a close-up-and-personal view of the unbelievable massacre of songbirds attempting to cross the Mediterranean by humans on their twice-yearly migrations. These tiny birds are eaten, but are not needed as food. Many of these species have had alarming downturns in their numbers outside of the millions being trapped by these poachers, who prefer not to know or believe they have an impact. In some areas, the Mafia is behind the poaching since cooking and serving something illegal makes it pricier and more of a luxury, with money to be made.

The film zeroed in on several of the anti-poaching activists who risk their lives to release trapped birds right under the poachers’ noses. The film does briefly mention that other less threatening means are also being employed against the slaughter. But seeing these men at work shows what drives them and gives us a close-up look at the birds themselves either dying or being saved by them, making it personal for us as well as for them.

The activities depicted took place in Cyprus, Italy, and France, but it is more widespread than just those countries. In the after-show discussion led by Art Wang, Art mentioned that since the Arab Spring unrest, Egypt has emerged as one of the worse as it has been left without its previous framework.

Art led a spirited discussion afterwards until we were invited to leave. Thanks for the research, Art!

For those wanting to know more:

Info on and reaction to the film:

The CABS group highlighted in the film:

Lots of other reactions on the internet to the slaughter including this from Prince Charles:

Art Wang (right) leads spirited after-show discussion on 7/21/15. Click to enlarge.

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