October 2012 meeting report

ABC met on October 25, 2012, and we were regaled with tales of Cape May, New Jersey, by Ed and Kay Pullen including many interesting tips on identifying hawks in flight that they picked up from Pete Dunne and witnessing an amazing falcon migration that Kay called the most exciting birding of her life!

Then Marcus Roening reported on his recent Ecuador trip with Heather and his original birding buddy with whom he first did this trip 20 years earlier. It was fascinating to hear about the changes in the intervening years, both good and bad.

We also heard from Bruce Hoeft on attending an event about Crow Roosts at the UW-Bothell, including watching that particular stream of Crows come in, something we can all relate to. Then we saw ABC field trip photos from Pat Damron, and we’ll have lots more of those at the November meeting on November 29!

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