ABC Vashon Field Trip: Ed Swan, author of “The Birds of Vashon Island,” led a full field trip to Vashon Island on April 29, 2014. He reported on the field trip to Tweeters thusly: Had beautiful weather for the Tahoma Audubon ABC group on Vashon yesterday. Numbers of individual species, especially the new incoming warblers, seemed really low and slow, but adding up the species seen I was surprised to find the species list reach 70. A few of many of the saltwater birds were still present as well as the incoming migrants. We had a few good highlights. At Pt. Robinson, we saw a first of season Western Tanager in the trees at the base of the bluff. On the radar towers, Steller’s Jays bunched up to attempt migrating across the channel to the mainland but gave up part way out each time. Yesterday there were only 10-12, but in some years I’ve seen as many as 30-40 trying it. At this time of year, migration means Pt. Robinson can have just about anything might show up, especially if the weather has birds on the move. Yesterday was beautiful but so calm it kept the birds pretty quiet. At Tramp Harbor, a female Black Scoter was still present and a leucistic crow that was a very pale light brown latte color. I’ve been getting lots of calls about this bird over the last couple of months but saw it myself for the first time yesterday. At Fisher Pond, one of the Pied-billed Grebes sat on a reed nest, a first time view for many on the field trip. ***************************** Click on Photos to enlarge. Leucistic Crow by Richard Smethurst, the remainder by Diane Yorgason-Quinn. That warbler is an Orange-Crowned, and the butterfly is a Pine Elfin:
ABC Theler Wetlands Walk 5/1/14 report
THELER WETLANDS – May 1, 2014: On May 1st, John Riegsecker and Faye McAdams Hands led a walk around Theler Wetlands in Belfair on the hottest day of the year. They were joined by Diane Y-Q and Rosanne Becker and later by photographer Larry from the Kitsap Sun who did a photo spread featuring us and other users of Theler that day. A few winter stragglers helped pad out the count to 51. Two of us had an Osprey just after leaving to add to the count. **************************************** The Kitsap Sun photo spread is here: **************************************** Highlights were 2 Virginia Rails, one seen well by all, plus a Marsh Wren in the process of housebuilding right in front of us. ***************************** Click on photo to enlarge it. Marsh Wren in nest by John Riegsecker, the remainder by Diane Yorgason-Quinn.
ABC Meeting Report April 24, 2014
ABC MEETING – April 24, 2014: We had trip reports on Shep’s walk at Swan Creek from Laurel Parshall and Ken Brown’s trip to Colorado and surrounding states with Ed & Kay Pullen where he actually got life birds (Prairie Chickens!) and ran into birders from home! Then a short side show of the recent lunar eclipse as seen by Diane Y-Q from Utah (clouded out in this neighborhood). Ryan Wiese then presented the film, “My Life as a Turkey,” a beautifully photographed saga of naturalist Joe Hutto’s experiment with having himself imprinted as the “mother” of an incubator full of turkey chicks. You’ll never think of Turkeys as dumb birds again or as Joe Hutto as a normal human being again. He’s apparently just finished living for several years with Mule Deer as one of them. **************** Next ABC meetings: May 19 July 24 **************************
ABC FIELD TRIP REPORT – Feb 22-23 2014
ABC FIELD TRIP REPORT: Feb 22-23, 2014
Pat Damron’s photos are here:
Laurel Parshall’s photos aren’t posted yet, but will be soon. Look for that set at:
Below are a couple of Diane Y-Q’s photos
showing Geese in the Snow and our group.Ed Swan Author of Birds of Vashon Presents at ABC Birding Meeting
Ed Swan, author of Birds of Vashon, new and enlarged second edition, gave a well-received report on the status of birds on Vashon Island, as well as the necessary conditions for them, and the history of both. It was especially interesting to hear how the first edition of his book several years ago made so many of the islanders into birders, which along with the advent of eBird and other citizen science, vastly improved the data set for this new version. While waiting for Tahoma Audubon’s bookstore to procure copies of the book, you may order them from:
Bird Trax Working Again
Since iGoogle went bye-bye a few months ago I’ve had trouble making Bird Trax work, but today had time to figure it out. Now the ABC site has pages for the latest rarity sightings for not just WA, but several counties key to we Western WA birders as well as several neighboring states and British Columbia.
Hope you find these to work for you and of use.
Good birding.
ABC Meeting, January 23, 2014 – BIG YEAR!
ABC Meeting – January 23, 2014 – BIG YEAR! ************************************ Ryan Wiese was fresh off the plane from Arizona where he did nothing but twitch, but with great success (all of the Thrashers!). ********************************* Mike Charest managed to find just about every bird that landed in Pierce County in 2013 plus more! It all started at a prepossessing industrial site called Gog-Le-Hi-Te… His Flickr site is: ******************************** Laurel Parshall didn’t know she was doing a big Washington year until suddenly she realized how close she was to 300 and set her sights on that number! Swamp Sparrow caught her eye just as time was running out! Her Flickr site is: **************************** Brian Pendleton really twitched towards the end of the year and hit the big time, reaching 350. It takes someone who knows their Gulls! His Flickr site is: **************************** These birders are all accomplished photographers as well. What a combination! A great program! Click on photos to enlarge:
Puyallup-Orting Half-Day Field Trip Report
Biking for Birds – Not Me. A Blog to Watch
I just found a blog following Dorian Anderson who is doing a fundraising green big year. He started yesterday on a “zero-petroleum” for transportation big year, by bike and foot. Amazingly his first two birds were snowy and short-eared owls by bike in Massachusetts. I plan to follow him at I’m sure our Eastern WA class trip will be relatively balmy compared to his Jan 1 day biking for birds in MA at 8 degres F. I though some of you might enjoy this.
Possible New ABA Big Year Record
For an entertaining read check out Accidental Big Year a blogspot blog by Neil Hayward who may have broken the ABA big year record held by Sandy Komito of The Big Year movie and book fame. The 746th ABA listed bird plus 3 ABA provisional birds was Great Skua on Dec 28th out of North Carolina. This puts him at one above the 745 big year of Komito, and one above the 748 of Komito including his 3 provisionals that were accepted.
I did not know that officially on an ABA big year birds seen that are subsequently accepted onto the ABA list don’t count as they were not listable when seen.
Anyway it’s quite a year detailed nicely on his blog. Check it out.