Coast trip bird photos August 25
Coast trip Buffy August 25
More photos from the coast trip Aug 25-26
Coast trip report Aug 25-26
What a great trip to the coast this past weekend put together by Ken Brown and Vera Cragin! We spent the weekend looking for and looking at rarities. A new record of number of shorebirds seen on one weekend: 27! Will expect Ken to post a list soon. In the meantime, here are several photos:
Photo of group at Westport shows Vera, Laurel, Ken, Carol, David, Pat, Melissa, Faye (not shown Wayne, Diane, Jack).
Swift field trip Sept 9
Come see the most amazing Vaux Swift chimney in the state, maybe in the world, on Sept 9. Those of you not going on the 3-day trip this weekend, come for one evening northwards with me. Those who sign up can help determine whether we make any stops along the way and thus the route and time to leave. We’ll be going to the old Northern Hospital grounds where a huge chimney was just uncapped 3 years ago and promptly “stole” many of the swifts using other chimneys. This outing is just for ABC’ers, as there are other (closer) swift trips thru Tahoma Audubon open to all on other dates (see The Towhee).
Contact Diane Yorgason-Quinn at or 253-857-3367.
September 8-9-10 Eastern WA Field Trip
Join Ken and Ed for a 3 day Sat-Monday trip to look for eastern vagrants and other fall specialties. Set the time aside, more details to follow. You can call Ken at 360-876-9509 or Ed at 253-905-5662 (evenings) for details when the time gets closer. We will be watching for sightings, may do some chasing. Should be fun.
Coast Trip August 25-26th
Ken and Vera will be leading a trip to the coast on Aug 25 & 26. Join them in the two day coast birding outing for gulls and shorebirds. Meet at 6:30am at I-5 & sr512 p & r, sat morning.
We will try ocean shores sat. heading to possibly tokeland, midway beach, westport and bottle beach.
Bring rubber boots, lunches, we will eat out sat night and motel, where I have not decided. Call Ken at 360-
876-9509 for details, if needed and to reserve a spot.
Ocean Shores Trip 7-29-12
Our short notice trip to Ocean Shores went very well, with 7 ABC members attending, including David Marshall, new to the group, Ken, Carol, Roger, and Laurel joining Kay and me on a warm and mostly sunny nearly windless day. Highlights were many tens of thousands of Sooty Shearwaters off the Jetty and the coast near Oyhut and great looks at the usual variety of shorebirds at the game range behind the Tonquin Ave stop. Maybe the other most remarkable thing was zero rock birds at the jetty. We had fun with gulls as with any trip Ken joins, and of course a discussion of molt was mixed in here and there.
At least two Lesser Yellowlegs and one Semi-palmated Sandpiper joined the more usual shorebirds at the game range, and although we were unable to find any odd shearwaters mixed in the steady streams of Sooty’s it was lots of fun to see the “sheer” numbers. Just getting out with friends and enjoying both the birds and the weather was great.
Challenge to all ABC’ers. If you are going out and have a spare seat in your vehicle, or are willing to have another car or two tag along post on this site and find fellow members to go along. All field trips don’t have to be thoroughly planned and executed. Just a day of birding with fellow members is great. You can find more trip list details on e-bird,my user name is epullen.
Good birding.
Ed Pullen
Larkwire Talk by Phil Mitchell
Tonight at the UP Library meeting Phil Mitchell, founder of Larkwire, an interactive web based learning tool for birders to learn bird songs, presented telling us about the app. It is a web based app, now also available as an iPhone and iPad app. The two are separate tools. The web based program will work from any internet connection, and after purchase of the program for an amazingly inexpensive price (less than purchasing the east or west Stokes or Peterson CDs) you’ll be able to log on from any location, home, laptop at work, iPhone, iPad, etc. The specific iPhone or iPad app is a stand alone app that works only on the device you purchase it from. (not sure if you can use on more than one device using iTunes synch if you have both a iPhone and iPad)
I bought the web based app on the drive home from Kay’s iPad. (they accept credit cards and paypal) I’m very excited, but using 3G on the iPad it is frustratingly slow, so I can see why the iPad app would be popular if you plan to use it a lot in the field. For me I think the usual web-based app will be preferable, but I suspect Kay will buy the iPad app.
You should all rush to the Larkwire site now to get this great new tool to make learning birding by ear a less daunting task. I tried going to the TAS site and couldn’t find an affiliate code there, but entered the TAHAUD code and it seemed to be accepted, so I suspect that is the code for TAS to get an affiliate sales commission. Also when you buy say you heard about Larkwire at the ABC meeting so Phil will know his talk to use was a good use of his time.
Prior to the program we heard an appeal from TAS for donations to cover an operating shortfall. Also brief trip reports from the Morse Preserve bird banding field trip.
No meeting in August. See you all at the Sept meeting or on a field trip sooner.
Good Birding.