RSVP REQUIRED: Charlie Wright in November

CHARLIE WRIGHT will do a Gull workshop for ABC in November!!

ACTION REQUIRED: NEED RSVP ASAP to set up field trip dates!! See choices below.

The Gull workshop will be Monday November 24th at the University Place Library at 6:45, the MONDAY before Thanksgiving. If this date is a problem, let us know.

FEES: This workshop will be a fee item. There will also be a field trip associated with it, and the workshop and field trip will each be $15 unless you do both, in which case your discounted price will be $25. You can pay Charlie when you see him or pass your fees to Diane Y-Q, Kay Pullen, or Ken Brown in the meantime. If you need to write a check, make it out to Charlie Wright. However, DO NOT WAIT TO RSVP so field trip dates can be determined.

As many of you know, Charlie Wright is a rising star in Birddom. He is the regional reviewer for eBird in Washington and a member of the Washington Bird Records Committee. He says, “I have been doing research on bird occurrence and migration on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska for the last 4 fall seasons, and I work out of the University of Washington for the COASST program the rest of the year. COASST is a citizen science project monitoring beached birds from northern CA up to Alaska.”

POSSIBLE FIELD TRIP DATES (could be more than one field trip if we have more than 4 carloads):

December 13 or 14; December 27 or 28; November 29 or 30; or December 6 or 7. Please indicate your first and second choices of dates.

Notify Kay Pullen ( or Diane Y-Q ( ASAP that you want to participate and what dates work for you.

2 thoughts on “RSVP REQUIRED: Charlie Wright in November

  1. I would like to attend the class on Nov 24.
    I will be out of the country Nov 30 – Dec 16, so will miss the field trip.
    Happy to pay $15 to learn from Charlie.

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