June 9 Fieldtrip for Flycatchers

We will meet early in order to be at Robinson Canyon early to hear the dawn chorus.  Meet  at the rest stop at Snoqualmie Summit at 6 AM to try for flycatchers there and then go on.  Try to carpool up ahead. Contact me for details at edwardpullen (at) gmail (dot) com.  Focus will be on empid ID by calls and songs, habitat, behavior as well as field marks.  I am far from expert so am hoping I can find someone like Ken B, Charlie or Marcus to come along to help.  Anyway we will move more slowly to take time to pay attention to the details, and try to become better at these tough IDs.  Probably on from Robinson Canyon to other areas.  I’ll be watching tweeter for other birds in the area to look for also.

Bring lunch, drinks etc for the day.  Plan to be back by early evening.

Ed Pullen