Local Gull Identification Workshop Trip Fall 2012 #1

Ken Brown led some members of ABC birding and some of his class members, totaling 10 of us in all on a gull ID trip to Gog-li-hi-ti, the nearby port area, and the Marine View log booms today.  We enjoyed great looks at 7 gull species, unfortunately not including Slaty-backed and Franklin’s gulls.  Highlights were excellent views of Thayer’s, Herring, Mew, California, Boneparte’s, Glaucous-winged and Western Gulls. As always the company was delightful, as is not always the weather cooperated with overcast but dry skies until the very end of the afternoon.

Photos thanks to Kathleen Miller:




Be ready for the next ABC class with your assessment of species, age and plumage.    Have fun.
