Bird Banding Morse Preserve July 14

Kay and I had lots of fun and enjoyed our first taste of bird banding at the Morse Preserve thanks to the invite from club member Clarice Clark today.  We were told that the mist net yield was low, likely because of overcast weather, but it was fast enough for Kay and me.  We got close up looks at adult and juvenile Swainson’s Thrushes as well as Spotted Towhees,

Dark-eyed Juncos, a Wilson’s warbler,

Bewick’s wren and a first year Rufous Hummingbird.  Charlie Wright was there and was, as usual, a patient and engaging teacher.  Clarice broke away and we joined her for a walk to check and clean her bird houses, and we enjoyed her sharing of nest making and contents for several species.  If you get a chance to join this group some morning don’t pass it up.  Kay and I broke away once the haze lifted and walked to the top of the observation tower to be surprised at the top of the steps by a raccoon.