Rare e-Bird Sightings

Some time ago I added pages to this site where we could look at the e-Bird reports of rare bird sightings using a tool called BirdTrax. The developer of BirdTrax has stopped supporting its use and so I decided to develop a web site where birders from all over the U.S. and Canada can easily see the last 15 days of rare e-Bird reports in their home county or any other county.

I hope you’ll check out CountyRareBirds and register as a user with your preferred country, state and county. Then if you ask your computer to remember the site you can save it as a favorite and anytime you visit the site it will bring up your counties recent rare bird sightings as the default view. You can easily change the view to a different area if you are or plan to travel.

You can access CountyRareBirds.com easily anytime using the ABCbirding site menu bar link labeled “Rare Bird Sightings.”

Let me know what you think.

