What is a Species

In his talk on bird names Ken asked the question, “What is a species?” I answered that the answer is evolving. On my latest podcast episode I talk with Dr. Geoffrey Hill, a professor at Auburn University, who proposes that the compatability of the DNA in the mitochondria, 100% from the female, and the DNA in the nucleus, equally from the male and female (sort of but not really as in birds a lot of the DNA that codes for proteins used in the mitochondrial functioning and structure are coded for on the male sex chromosome, males are ZZ and females Zy). I write about this on a BirdBaner.com blog post and we talk about it on the podcast episode. If you’re interested in speciation I think you’ll find it pretty cool stuff.
Link to my blog post summarizing my understanding of this theory.

Link to Apple Podcasts to hear or download the episode.

If you don’t use Apple Podcasts you can listen here on Podbean.

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