Best Bird of the Last Week 7-6-2020

Distant digiscope of an adult Heermann’s Gull at the spit off Ft. Flagler State Park.

I am having fun reading and replying to many of the comments on your best bird of the last week. Merlin experiences seemed to dominate last weeks comments, but Russ telling us about his Olive-sided Flycatcher experience and reports from around the country continue to be fun to see.
I went camping at Fort Flagler SP last week, and a distant FOY Heermann’s gull seen along with Black Oystercatchers has to be my favorite. How about you. Leave a comment with your best bird of the last week.  Good birding!

20 thoughts on “Best Bird of the Last Week 7-6-2020

  1. While at Jameson Lake last wednesday the 10th, I was able to show my son Andrew his first Ruddy ducks. Several males and females as well as a couple of young. A life bird for him…

  2. While swimming in Wildcat lake, I had a male Purple Martin skim the water surface very close to me. Also, those Bald Eagles circling overhead make me think I look like an easy meal for them.

  3. My best bird was in my own yard while watching Fourth of July fireworks with friends, when a Killdeer flew over in the dark, announcing itself vocally. An interesting way to get a new yard bird!

  4. We were on our way to hike the Ozette Triangle…on Ozette road a grouse popped onto the shoulder of the road. I noted the pile post number. Seven hours later, on our way out, I said to my husband, “this is where I saw the grouse”…30 seconds later it flew right over our windshield. A story grouse, I believe…and a Lifer.

  5. I love it when a neighbor comes knocking on your door and says “there’s an unusual bird out there”.
    A cryptic Green Heron was at the waters edge of the spit at our house. With this head stretched, streaking on its neck and with the bill pointed upwards my first reaction was American Bittern. It then flew up into the middle of a neighbor’s tall green shrub. Trying to discover what bird this really was cause quite some excitement. After texting fellow Birders who considered its size and dark cap, The final answer was it’s a Green Heron !!!

  6. Six Double-crested Cormorants- May sound underwhelming but its the first time in two years I have seen them at Ayock Point on Hood Canal. We are at our cabin most weekends during the summer and I have missed this ubiquitous bird the last two years! I think they are telling us some bad news about the health of the Canal, at least where we are. I have seen them on other parts on the Canal. I was excited on Saturday, July 11 lunchtime to see them!

  7. My best bird was a life bird. Went to Grayland SP and finally found the Snowy Plovers. Got a good close photo of two banded adults. I also saw a lot of Semipalmated Plovers and Western Sandpipers.

  8. Best bird today, 7-12, 4 Black Swifts at wicks lake. First time here, flew low right over me, cool. Last week with Ed, great day, Barn Owl, Brown Pelican, Common Murre. All first Mason County birds.

  9. Our favorite bird sighting this week occurred when a flock of Bushtits descended upon our suet feeder. One youngster missed his landing grasping the leg of a neighbor instead of the suet cage. The neighbor’s foot grasped the youngster’s leg in reflex, and there they hung – the youngster hanging upside down by one leg while looking up and the neighbor hanging tight to the cage with his left leg while eating suet with an occasional glance down at the youngster hanging from his right.
    But it all sorted itself out when the flock took off.

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