Sept 7-8 East Side Fieldtrip

Ken Brown and Ed Pullen will lead a trip to east side shorebird and migrant spots including Gingko State Park, Getty Cove, Wanapum State Park, Perch Point, Lind Coulee, Moses Lake Rookery, the Para ponds and Potholes State Park.  We will arrange an overnight hotel stay. Plan to bring lunch for both days, water, snacks, and good boots for wet areas.

Meet at the Snoqualmie Pass traveler’s rest stop (usual place) at 7:30 AM on Saturday Sept 7th  Each car will need the yellow access tag for state areas.  Contact Ken or Ed by email to RSVP and to assure we can set up rooms and make dinner reservations.  If you don’t have our email leave a comment with contact info and we’ll get back to you.  (relucant to leave email to avoid spam, most of you have ours)

This trip is being opened to TAS as well as through ABC, so sign up quickly.  We did this trip last year and it was really superb, but was a 3 day trip, this year we only have 2 days, but will visit many of the best spots.

4 thoughts on “Sept 7-8 East Side Fieldtrip

  1. Dear Ed and Ken,
    Spell check is not always wrong;-). There is, however, something seriously wrong with Perch “Poing” and, a bit off, about Lind “Couleel”. Please correct before I die of laughter.

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