
Some members suggested a way for members to borrow and loan “stuff” from other members. On this post you can leave a comment noting items you’s like to borrow, or have available to loan. Just leave a comment. I suggest starting with HOPING TO BORROW or AVAILABLE TO LOAN as the header. Then list the details and how to be contacted. I suggest using an e-mail address written in a self explanatory way but that won’t be easily spammed. For example myname – at- yahoo dot com

I’ll post the first available to loan item comment as an example.

Happy loaning and borrowing. Good birding!


3 thoughts on “Loan-Borrow

  1. Several people bring excess bird books and even maps they are willing to part with, putting them on the back table at our meetings. It’s fun to participate!

  2. A Latin-American birding group is looking for a cheap scope. Joe Tieger has found a source for cheap equipment and is willing to pony up $50. We’d still need another $150 to use that source. Or maybe someone has an excess scope to contribute? Clarice Clark would hand-carry it to S. America.

    This is a sample of how to use this page.
    I have the Wahl-Tweit-Mlodinow Status of Birds in Washington book published in 2005 available to loan. Let me know if you’d like to borrow it. edwardpullen – at – gmail – dot – com

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