Sept 2013 ABC meeting report

On September 24, 2013, Ed Pullen gave a presentation on enhancing one’s eBird experience. Many people brought their portable devices to try out his recommendations, and several eBird heavy-hitters were there to add to the information. Truly a learning experience! Photos from the recent field trip to E. WA by Pat Damron were enjoyed, plus Jerry Broadus and Clarice Clark’s trip to the southwest to the banding convention where they birded Arizona and Utah, including Condors! We ran out of time for most of Laurel Parshall’s photos, but they can be seen here (as well as many more): Pictured below: Ed Pullen with eBird (click to enlarge):

2 thoughts on “Sept 2013 ABC meeting report

  1. To check out any field trips or other class trips, feel free to go to my FLICKR website at: and click on sets to see how things are separated out, which is a work in progress. However, the class and birding club trips are all year marked and distinguished briefly by where we went in the header or the time frame. Once you open a set, each picture starts with the daymonthyear it was taken. Come back anytime to check on what’s new or newly uploaded. I’m sort of plugging away several times a week. There’s a place for comments beneath each photo, though I’m not sure if you have to join to submit a comment. -Laurel

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